What is Cross-Training and What Are The Benefits

6 min readJul 1, 2019

The term cross-training refers to the practice of supplementing exercises and activities from outside of your sport into your training. Cross-training is applicable to athletes from many different sports, though it is particularly popular amongst runners.

For endurance runners, in particular, it can be easy to make the assumption that more time spent running will ultimately translate into a better performance come competition time. However, many top-tier runners are actually doing a variety of different exercises and activities in their training; they’re not just focused on running.

It may sound counter-intuitive at first, but bringing in some outside exercises and activities into your training can actually benefit you in a number of different ways.

Cross-Training Benefits

Minimize Injury Risks

One of the biggest potential issues associated with long distance running is that it’s a high impact activity, meaning that it places a lot of stress on vulnerable muscles, tendons, and joints like your hips and knees.




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