What is Beta-Alanine?

9 min readApr 30, 2019

Beta-alanine was first discovered as an effecting pre-workout supplement through horse racing, where trainers found that it often helped their horses edge out the competition come race day.

While they didn’t know it at the time, researchers would later discover that beta-alanine works as an important chemical buffer during high-intensity exercise, allowing horses, and later human athletes, to push the limits of their capabilities.

For the past few decades, scientists have continued to study beta-alanine, with a wealth of research being published on its positive effects on exercise performance. Nowadays, along with creatine, it’s one of the most popular ingredients found in pre-workout supplements. But what exactly is beta-alanine and what does it actually do?

What is Beta-Alanine?

Beta-alanine (BA) is a naturally occurring non-essential amino acid, meaning that’s it produced in small amounts in the human body; however, it can also be obtained through certain dietary sources as well.

As opposed to other amino acids though, it’s role is not in the synthesis of proteins and enzymes.

Instead, your body uses beta-alanine (in combination with histidine) to produce carnosine, which is a peptide.




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