In recent years, collagen supplements have continued to explode in popularity here in the U.S., in large part, due to the growing body of evidence that they may benefit your health in multiple ways.
Amongst the many purported health benefits, there has been a considerable amount of attention given to the important role that collagen plays in your joints, with more and more research suggesting that regularly taking a collagen supplement can help to support your overall health and function.
Before we dive too deep into exploring exactly how collagen can benefit your joints, however, let’s first cover in a little more detail what collagen actually is and what it does.
What is Collagen?
Collagen is the most plentiful form of protein found within the human body. While there are many different kinds of protein required to support human function — and I mean MANY — as much as 30% of all the proteins found throughout your entire body are collagen-based.
That’s because collagen plays an important structural role in everything from your skin and muscles to your bones, cartilage, and joints, helping to support their overall health and function.(1)(2)(3)